Sunday, May 21, 2006

Fuck You, Bitch

You may recall this post from last November. Since then we've had a minor ant problem; nothing too bad, but occasionally I'll see the little fuckers running around on our floor or walls.

But no more. Today while looking in the cupboard, coincidentally, for a pack of instant curry, I discovered the queen.

I am not a vengeful man, but, crushing that bitch between my thumb and index finger, I experienced a sensation almost akin to ecstasy.

1 comment:

  1. I grabbed a bag of peanuts from my MIL's pantry one day. I am chewing a away when a number of moths come flying out of my mouth.

    I look down to see little moth larvae feasting on the nuts proper.

    I went Anakin Skywalker on those little jedi maggots. And I'll do it again, given the opportunity.
