Sunday, April 09, 2006

Psychedelic Kimochi -- Nancy Lang

This afternoon, while the wife was out picking wild mushrooms or something, I was endlessly flippping through TV channels and came across an interview with a pretty young woman, Nancy Lang, on Channel Art (the art channel). I was instantly blown away by her alluring beauty and unmistakable sexiness. This was perhaps the most attractive woman I had ever seen! I asked the little girl (who was pretending to be a librarian stamping books) if she thought Ms. Lang was pretty. "She looks like Mommy," she exclaimed. Which is possibly the best compliment any female can receive.

I wrote before that I didn't intend to do any Psychedelic Kimochi posts for the forseeable future, because if someone wants to find pics of sexy gals there are a ton better and more extensive sites than this humble blog; however, I felt I had to make an exeption here. I had never heard of Ms. Lang until today (surprisingly, my wife has, so maybe I'm just out of touch). Perhaps most of my readers haven't, either. I know my mom hasn't, anyway. But everyone should know about her. Not only is she comely to the Nth degree, she's also an accomplished artist. I'm telling you, this is every intelligent gentleman's dream girl.

She has her own website which contains tons of pics of her, her art, and fashion work. Seriously, there are close to 60 pages. You can check it out for yourself at, although the link wasn't working the last time I checked. There are also lots of pics here

Below are 2 photos of the lovely Ms. Lang, and a piece of her artwork. I'm hoping to in the future get an interview with her; here is a woman Psychedelic Kimchi readers want to know more about. I know I do.


  1. Well, yeah she's cute and I can see where your daughter is coming from.. There is at least some resemblence..

  2. Oh hell yeahs! I saw her on my tv one night and I was like, "Hot damn!", and then I was like, "Please let this be Erotic Island" and when I realized it wasn't, I at least wished I knew who she was.

    Now I have a name....for stalking.

    Or not.
