Thursday, January 12, 2006


Apparently Peja reaggravated his back during today's game with the Rockets. Bullshit. I saw the game, and when Peja sat down with a few minutes left in the 3rd, he was fine. Or as fine as someone who isn't trying and possibly knows he's getting traded in a few days might look.
I'm telling you, either Peja's getting traded tomorrow and Rick Adleman gave him the 4th off to arrange his packing, or dude is faking hurt worse than I used to fake sick during junior high. I don't buy it.

Again, I watched the game. It was the shittiest game I watched all year, but I watched all of it. Peja took 5 shots (making 1); but the most telling part is that none of his teammates would pass to him. After making his first shot, he took a couple of ill-advised jumpers in the first half, and that was it. He was on the floor for over 28 minutes and touched the ball like 7 or 8 times.
Shit, he's 28 -- one year older than me. I can't believe he would deteriorate so blatantly and utterly as a premier SG/SF. He's gonna be traded this week. And I think his team knew it today. The news that his back is sore again is just a smoke screen in case the deal doesn't happen as fast as the Kings hope.

Based on his tentativeness on the court today, I sort of believe he's going to be traded to the Rockets. Almost as though he didn't want to show up his new teammates. That might explain all the scrubs Van Gundy was putting out there.

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