Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Buggin' Out

I don't tend to eat breakfast in the morning, and after what happened today, I don't think I ever will again. Feeling unusually peckish, I filled a bowl with rice and went to the cupboard for some curry (the staple of any nutritious breakfast, to paraphrase Samuel L. Jackson). The wife usually buys 3분, which is like 30 cents a box or something, but last Sunday we decided to splurge. Golden Curry, which I assume is a Japanese product (because it's got Japanese characters written all over the packaging...and it likes Alyssa Milano musical CDs), was on sale for 2000-something won, a slight markdown from it's regular 3000-something cost. So we bought 3 boxes, one mild, one medium, and one hot.

This morning I opened the hot, and was greeted by literally thousands of tiny ants. They swarmed over my hand and I dropped the box on the kitchen table. Using a pamphlet, I swept most of the colony (it looked like a writhing pile of beach sand) into the trash. Then I took this lame photo:

Not exactly Pulitzer material, but I think I can be forgiven seeing as how my hands and arms were covered with the little bastards.

The lesson? Look both ways before crossing the street. And don't buy "discount" curry.

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