Saturday, November 19, 2005

All-Star Wars

I've always found it funny that the NBA conducts their All-Star balloting so early. I mean, we're what, 3 weeks into the season? Can we really guage just how deserving certain players are to start on an All-Star team? Michael Redd has been fire, but what if he (hypothetically; I realize the chances of it happening are pretty slim) suddenly cools off for the rest of the year? Would you really want him starting for the East? Then there's the issue that certain players will get voted in regardless of stats or injuries. If Shaq is healthy, you can bet your ass that he'll be the starting center for the East squad this year -- even though he doesn't deserve the honor, because of time missed due to injury and the fact that Jermaine O'Neal is simply better than him nowadays (although Jermaine is inconceivably a forward on the ballot). And don't even mention Wince Carter. There are players who are sure to make the starting lineups whether they deserve the honor or not: Kobe, Wince, Shaq, Yao, AI; the interesting part is when the teams' respective coaches (Flip Saunders and Pop-Daddy, by the look of it) choose the reserves. I'll leave that up to them. For now, here are my votes for the East and West starters. If you haven't done so already, head over to and tell 'em who you think should start.

When the East is in the House...

It was only a few years ago that the West was the superior conference and many were complaining that the divisions needed to be re-aligned to make the Western Conference Finals seem less like the real championship series. Remember that? Well, except for San Antionio, the rest of the once-wild West apparently doesn't. The Clips are tied with SA for the conference's best record? Golden State is suddenly a powerhouse? The fuck out.

There's been a sea change, and now it's the East that's the beast. So who's representing them?


Jermaine O'Neal -- he really should be on the ballot as a center. But he isn't, so I have to vote him in at forward. A shame, because Paul Pierce deserves some love; and Dwight Howard has been making some noise recently.

Lebron James -- Duh. Still, maybe it's not as much of a no-brainer as it seems: his rebounds and assists are both down compared with last year. But the team's impressive start (after a rusty first few games), shouldn't be overlooked. Expect to see him voted in as an All-Star starter until, at least, 2020. That's scary: by then I'll be 29.


(aka "here's where Gilbert Arenas and Michael Redd get stiffed.")

Allen Iverson -- I don't like AI much, but I can appreciate what he does on the court. He's become a smarter player the last few years, and he's a warrior. I can't deny his skills, nor his competitiveness.

Dwyane Wade -- Sheet, did you have to ask? Flash is a lot closer right now than Lebron to averaging a triple-double. He's off to a monster start, and I believe his stats would be just as strong were Shaq still in the Heat lineup. Possible MVP. If he doesn't start I'm kidnapping Vince Carter's boyfriend.


Ugh. This isn't pretty. The only name that any sane person should check is

Ben Wallace

Best Western...

I'm really pissed that Amare Stoudamire went and fucked up his knee; let's get that out of the way. Now I have to start looking for teams in the West to like, because the new Suns team isn't much fun to watch. Stevie Nash is still being Stevie Nash, and Shawn Marion can be fun at times; but you also have Kurt Thomas's googly eye, Brian Grant's stupid dreadlocks (if I'm Mike D'Antoni, I make him cut those bitches...even if he maybe is a Rasta), and the "exciting" play of Boris Diaw and Leandro Barbosa. Jesus.


Tim Duncan -- Yet another player who should be on the ballot at center. What the fuck happened to the prestigious C spot? Dominant centers and compentent NFL quarterbacks are a thing of the past, apparently. And so I have to vote TD in here over Kevin Garnett. And that just ain't right.

Dirk Nowitzki -- Another early MVP candidate in my books. With the departure of Michael Finley, Dirk Diggler has taken on an even larger role this year; and despite the fact that he's playing with a bunch of scrubs (I'm looking at you, Mr. Dampier), his team is the early candidate as runner-up to the Spurs. Sorry KG.


Steve Nash -- Love those TNT commercials with Ali G.

Tony Parker -- I can't front, TP (has there ever been a better nickname?) is making moves. It probably won't last, but as of right now he deserves the nod.


Obviously Yao Ming is going to start, which proves that democracy doesn't work. Hell, if Ha Seung-Jin were on the ballot, he'd probably get more votes than the guy who thus far deserves it:

Marcus Camby

In other news:

- The wife and I watched Spielberg's War of the Worlds last night. Scared the living bejeezus out of us both. Good flick. Some minor gripes, and it's definitely NOT a movie you find yourself saying "that kicked ass!" about after watching, but it's a thriller in the strictest sense. Jarring film.

- The little girl came home from pre-school yesterday with two Christmas cards (one for Mommy, the other obviously for the mailman) which she made. Isn't it a bit early? I still haven't finished my shopping for Buy Nothing Day.

- This is too cool for words. Even if it is about He-Man:

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