Friday, October 21, 2005


I knew I shouldn't have eaten those slices of pizza before bed. I always have bizarre, lucid dreams when I eat pizza as a midnight snack.

Okay, they weren't actually slices of pizza; they were grilled cheese & kimchi sandwiches. Like you've never made one.

Last night I dreamt -- among other things -- that a twenty-foot tall naked, mentally handicapped Brooke Shields was chasing me (now I know how Tom Cruise feels). It was frightful beyond words. I still get shivers when I think about it.

(In the dream, she eventually caught me, and then we went for dinner at a galbi joint -- but that's beside the point.)

Imagine my surprise when I saw this after eating breakfast:

You know what this portends, right? Me neither, but it could be -- nay! must be -- more than mere coincidence.

Postscript: she should play for the Bills.

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