Monday, October 24, 2005


We found out earlier today that the little girl will not be one of the 60 of 215 (13 from Gyeonggi-do; what's up with that?) to advance in the child model search. All day I've had to console her while she asks "why they hatin', Daddy? Daddy, why they hatin'?" What can I tell her? That the people running this model search obviously have their heads so far up their own asses that they can nearly turn themselves inside-out?

I'm not going to take this lying down, no siree. I'm taking this to the streets with a grassroots campaign to...uh, make those bastards overstand the injustice they have perpetrated today.

The 18th letter will have the last laugh, I guarantee.


  1. This baby is a cutie pie! Model Search dont know jack. :o)

  2. I'm starting my petition with your name, miss coffey.
