Monday, October 10, 2005

Change my pitch up...

Because I couldn't get rid of the annoying blank space at the top of the old template (though the truth is that I never really tried), I capriciously decided to change the template. It was a spur of the moment thing, and I can't say that I'm entirely pleased with the new one. That thing at the top left-hand, which I guess is a gazebo, is a little too fruity for my tastes. On the other hand, the font and column width is better. Maybe I'll switch it up again tomorrow. Who knows?

In the meantime, I thought I'd bore 95% of you with some pictures of the little angel, which were taken over the past month.

This is a photo from the modeling shoot she did 3 weeks ago. As of yet, no videos of her snorting cocaine have surfaced. Luckily.

Ewwww! You're lying next to Pooh!

As part of new government regulations (or so I've been told), all nursery schools have to ensure that children enrolled there are free of communicable diseases (ie. cooties). This was taken on the day the little girl was tested, and all day afterwards, because she had blood samples taken from both arms, she held her arms out like an ape, or some toddler version of a pro wrestler. She actually looked kind of rotund, so I took this photo after asking her to "make a chubby face." In retrospect, that's less of a "chubby face" than it is an "I'm gonna barf" face.

I did have another photo, taken Friday night, of the wife wearing a facial mask, which I took because she looked remarkably like MF Doom; but it appears the wife has deleted it. No fair.


  1. cool! so your little angel did have a modeling gig? i hope it works out! she's got such a perfect little face and would make a great toddler-wear/product model!

  2. I hope she reaches Deanna Kim-level celebrity. There's this new-model BMW I've had my eye on.

    Seriously though, a big reason I and my wife decided to get the little girl into modeling is to hopefully help pay for her education, which, if we stay in Korea long-term, will be quite expensive.
