Tuesday, August 09, 2005

"When I'm alone in my room, sometimes I stare at the wall..."

I've lived in Korea for 5 years (a fact I'm fairly sure I've mentioned roughly 4600 times), but during that time I have barely seen the country. Sad, right? Apart from a trip with my school to Tong Yeong my first month here, and a few trips to Incheon over the years, that's pretty much all I've explored of this fine country. What can I say, I'm a slave to my work. I'm pretty much a homebody, anyway; but even still, I sometimes feel too cooped up.

So finally I will get to see some sights. We venture off to scenic Pusan/Busan/Uzbekesan this Friday, then it's on to Goje Island. Should be fun. I'm looking forward to seeing kids pee in water bottles on the train.

In the meantime, enjoy some photos from our trip to the COEX Aquarium, a place that wears out its welcome the second time one visits it. That might explain why there are so few photos of fish and stuff.

The R.

See, kids, this is what happens if you disobey the rules and tap on the glass.

Worst. Photo. Ever. The little girl blinks just as the pic is taken, and, meanwhile, I have a deer-caught-in-headlights/hostage crisis look. Never say I don't have a self-depricating sense of humor.

Note to kids: it's called a clown fish, NOT fucking Nemo, okay?
Note to aquarium personnel: you better hope Disney doesn't catch wind of your blatant copyright violation.

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