Saturday, July 23, 2005

Would I, could I, on a boat?
Would I, could I, with a goat?

Save some of the stuff left laying under a heat lamp at 4 in the morning at your local 7-11, this is the first time I've seen a green meat product. Dr. Suess would be proud.

In case it isn't clear enough, the English says "chlorella grilled ham," which is a relief, because when I first saw it I thought it read cholera grilled ham. Phew!

I don't think I'm alone in asserting that all this "well-being" shit needs to quit, posthaste. I mean, just how fucking good for you can processed meat be, anyway? I even have my doubts that it contains chlorella, whatever the fuck that is. It very well might just be Chlorox. It's probably neither; it's probably just green food coloring.

Still, it beats purple ketchup.

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