Tuesday, July 19, 2005

The Sports Guy Raped My Childhood!

No, wait, that was George Lucas.

I love the Sports Guy's (pka Bill Simmons) columns for ESPN.com, but I have to admit that this guy makes some valid points:


The misogyny part I can kind of see, but I don't really care (sorry, ladies); what bugs me, and which the writer makes a valid point of, is that lately Simmons's stuff has been (when he actually writes something, although I am aware he is busy writing a book, which I will of course buy) pretty blah, ranging from god-awful (the new intern contest, the winner of which writes like he's imitating the old intern -- who imitated Simmons -- poorly) to not bad (his take on the NBA Playoffs, portions of which mirror my own comments -- check the post commenting on the Undertaker's theme music being used to introduce the Pistons before game 2 --, making me wonder if he reads this blog).

(If you made it all the way through that herculean, run-on sentence, by the way, congrats.)

And let's not mention the Sports Guy cartoon, possibly the dumbest, shittiest...wait, I said let's not mention it, didn't I?

I just wish the guy would stick to a schedule. He started a series of articles about the greatest sports movies, but so far has only written a handful of reviews. Plus, his mailbags and random thoughts columns have reliably been his funniest -- but he hardly ever does them anymore.

I sure hope when I'm big and rich and famous I don't become tardy and forget what helped make me a household name: having a penis longer than an anaconda's entrails.


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