Wednesday, July 13, 2005

It's official!

Gary Sheffieild has officially become the dumbest athlete in sports. Of course, given the average intelligence of professional sports players, coupled with their increasing knack to say stupid things, that honor will undoubtedly be snatched from him -- sooner rather than later is my guess -- in the near future by the likes of a Latrell Sprewell, Rasheed Wallace, or Randy Moss.

Here's what holds sausages together:

The World Baseball Classic is "made up"?

Newsflash, Gary: everything in sports is made up. Until fixing a flat on the Interstate or delivering a pizza in 20 minutes while riding a moped becomes a demonstration Olympic sport, it's going to stay that way.

Also: Mark Twain is a liar. There never lived a Tom Sawyer, nor a Huckleberry Finn.

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