Tuesday, June 14, 2005

Wind of Change

I wanted to title this post 'Rock You Like a Hurricane,' but it didn't seem as apt.

Helpful Dave's ESL Cafe poster stumptown (not his real name) informed me that posting comments was restricted to registered members only. I've now changed it so that anyone can post -- though if you register you'll receive a year-long subscription to Sparkles Quarterly and a football phone!

Your feedback is valued and appreciated. Go ahead, call me an asshole, I deserve it. Today I used TWO public restrooms and didn't bother to flush either time (and I may have peed on the seat(s) to boot!), AND I pressed all the buttons on the elevator before leaving work today.

I'm a menace II society.


  1. Thanks for changing it. Funny stuff. Did you marry that girl in the above photo?

  2. The lovely lady holding our daughter in the "Meet the Flinstones" post?

    That's Wifey.
